Company Introduction

If you have a body, you are an athlete!

It started with a hand-shake of two visionary Oregonians – Bowerman and his University of Oregon runner Phil Knight. They and the people they hired evolved and grew the company that became Nike from a US-Based footwear distributor to a global marketer of athletic footwear, apparel and equipment that is unrivalled in the world.

Along the way, Nike’s established a strong Brand Portfolio with several wholly owned subsidiaries including Converse Inc., NIKE Golf, Hurley International LLC and the Jordan brand.

Nike remains a leader in global innovation voted recently as the “world’s most innovative company” (Fast Company) and innovation drives the business at all levels whether in product design, manufacturing, supply chain innovation, brand campaigns, or sustainability – We are always seeking people who can push the boundaries of what is possible - In any area of our business.


关于耐克的所有一切源于两个俄勒冈人的一次握手,鲍尔曼先生和他在俄勒冈大学田径队的爱徒菲尔奈特。他们和后来的加入者让耐克不断成长壮大, 使耐克从一家植根于美国本土的鞋类产品分销商,发展成为一个世界范围内无人能企及的集鞋类,服装和装备产品于一身的全球性公司。


耐克在近期的全球创新投票评选中保持领导地位,被评为“世界最具创新力企业”。创新力在不同的维度推动业务发展,不管是产品设计,生产,供应链创新, 品牌活动,还是可持续发展力等方面。无论在商业的任何领域,我们总是在寻找那些能够不断突破自我,变不可能为可能的人。

Top Employer 杰出雇主

Providing our employees the most competitive, interactive and engaging workplace in the market is Nike’s top priority. We are extremely proud that Nike has won Top Employer China for consecutively three years. Presented annually to companies that demonstrate the ability to attract, develop and retain talent, this award demonstrate Nike’s brand image as a trusted choice for prospective employees, and speaks volumes about our culture and our people.

耐克大中华区致力于为员工们提供最具竞争力,互动性和吸引力的工作场所。耐克大中华区已连续三年被评为“中国杰出雇主”称号。“中国杰出雇主”榜单每年由全球权威机构通过独立调研给出,颁发给在吸引,培养和保留人才方面有卓越表现的公司。这项称号既强化了耐克大中华区作为一个首选雇主的品牌形象, 也进一步肯定了我们的卓越文化和优秀人才。